Free Craft Activity: July 4 Decorations

Celebrate Independence Day in style with these print-out and make pinwheels, paper chains and a fun USA trivia game.
Commemorating the birth of the United States of America, July 4th (Independence Day) marks the break from colonial rule to self-governance. It represents resilience, progress, and unity. Whether you’re attending a local street parade, firework display or planning a cookout with friends and family, we have the perfect decorations and a fun trivia game that can be played in teams. Happy Independence Day!

You Will Need:
Lightweight card or paper
Glue stick or sticky tape
Drawing pin/pushpin
Pencil with an eraser top or a straw
How To Make: July 4th Trivia

Who was the first president to live in the White House? How many stars are there on the US flag? Who sewed the first American flag? Get ready to play July 4th Trivia with this fun print out game! Cut out the trivia cards and fold in half. Place in a bowl or a hat. Take turns to read out a question. This game can also be played in teams.

How to Make: July 4th Pinwheel

Have a go at making a patriotic July 4th pinwheel to wave during the celebrations or even just to use as decorations for your home!

1. Print out the pinwheel.
2. Use scissors to carefully cut out the shape and along the black cut lines.
3. Use a pin or a sharp point to make a small hole in each of the four triangle corners and the middle - use a pin cushion underneath.

4. Gently curl each pierced corner into the centre of the pinwheel. Insert a pin into each of the four holes and then into the centre hole. This step can be a little tricky.
5. Push the pin into the side of a pencil eraser (or into a straw and secure with tape at the back)
6. You now have a pinwheel!
How to Make: Paper Chains

Craft a paper chain for your party, parade or picnic.

1. Cut out the paper strips - you can choose a scalloped edge or a straight edge.
2. Take the first paper strip and make the first link by joining the two ends together with glue or tape.
3. Add a second link by threading another strip of paper through the centre loop. Join the ends of the second strip together.

4. Keep adding links until your chain is as long as you want it.
5. Hang your paper chains ready for July 4th!
Take a look at our red, blue and silver tableware and decorations for your July 4th party.
Shop 4th of July
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