Let’s Play Halloween Bingo!

You’ve got everything ready for Halloween celebrations now it’s time to think about the activities - our special Halloween Bingo game will keep the whole family entertained.
How to Play Halloween Bingo:
Halloween is almost here, and kids love a few games and activities to get them in the spirit. This is a fun game for everyone to play. Enjoy!
Step 1:
Download and print out the Halloween Bingo templates – there are 6 boards and a sheet of tiles to cut out.

Step 2:
Cut out the squares on the Halloween tile page, fold in half and put into a bag, box or even better, a cauldron!
Step 3:
Give each player one of the six bingo boards and a pencil or pen. Give the Halloween tiles a good mix in the cauldron, maybe say a witch’s spell as you do it! Pull out the first tile and announce to the players, who then make a circle over the matching image. Repeat.
Step 4:
The aim of the game is to get a line going across or down, or a full house before anyone else. Remember to shout ‘Bingo’!